Find foreign nurses in just a few clicks!
How it works
After three simple steps we will introduce you to suitable nursing staff for your company.
Our easy way to hiring foreign nurses
1. Create a profile
Create a company profile and define conditions and requirements for positions to be filled.
2. Let the algorithm work
We compare your conditions and requirements with those of our pre-screened talents.
3. It’s a Match!
We connect you with the perfect nurse as soon as there is a match.
Your advantages
With Careloop you will find the most suitable candidates from abroad for your company.
Pre-screened Talents
All candidates are thoroughly pre-screened by us in regards to job qualification and German Language knowledge. They are also actively seeking a job in Germany.
Innovative Recruiting
With Careloop you not only accelerate the traditional application process but also save time and reduce cost.
Individual care
We accompany you throughout the process: from setting up your profile to employment.
Across Germany, a large number of clinics and nursing homes trust Careloop
Our Partners
Across Germany, a large number of clinics and nursing homes trust Careloop
Our Partners
Clear answers to important questions
Careloop is the online job platform for nurses and geriatric nurses that turns the traditional application process upside down by enabling employers to apply to candidates vetted by Careloop.
After a verification process you create a company profile with our help. We will then suggest suitable candidates. Your personal account manager will be at your side throughout the process.
The candidates on our platform are certified nurses with at least 3 years of training, German language skills of at least B1 and in parts work experience. They come either from the EU or from a third country in which we have established trustful partnerships.
For you as a company, we charge a commission fee per candidate. The commission can vary depending on the scope of services. Please contact us to learn more about the prices.
As an online platform, we are not only intermediaries but also cover all processes and services necessary for the process of recruiting abroad. We call this unique service promise Platform-as-a-Service.